Saturday, July 08, 2006

Off to ICALP in Venice

I am off to ICALP 2006 in Venice tomorrow, and hope to get to Venice in time to watch all of the World Cup final---even though watching the match will make me suffer as I always do when Italy are playing.

On Monday I'll attend the EATCS Council meeting, where I expect interesting discussions on whether the Bulletin should be freely available to all on the web, and the issue of EATCS prizes. My opinion, and one that I'll argue for at the meeting, is that the Bulletin should be freely available on the web in its entirety, just like the Notices of the AMS---whose electronic publication is supported by the members' dues. This will help us reach a wider audience, and further increase the visibility of TCS.

On Tuesday afternoon, during the EATCS general assembly, Magnus Halldorsson, Anna Ingolfsdottir and I will present a bid on behalf of ICE-TCS to host ICALP 2008 in Reykjavik, Iceland. If you are in Venice, make sure you attend the assembly and vote for us :-)

I'll try to report on these meetings and on the conference at a later time.

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